Mental Health Wellbeing in the Workplace guide is launched

Date: 17 Nov 2017

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A half-day workplace wellbeing workshop in November, saw the launch of the MK Business Leaders Partnership Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace guide.  

Dr Philip Smith MBE, chair of MK BLP said it was hoped it would help employers take more responsibility for the mental health of their staff.  Mental ill-health has a negative impact on individuals and businesses, he told an audience of local employers, organisations and agencies , with 300,000 people leaving their jobs each year because of it, mental ill-health costing the economy £70 billion annually and 15 million days lost to stress, depression and anxiety.

The Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace guide explains the challenge businesses face and directs employers to where they can get support and guidance to help their staff.  “It is particularly aimed at those smaller businesses who do not have the benefit of a large HR department,” Philip said.

Opening the Well MK Mental Health Wellbeing in the Workplace event at Entrepreneurial Spark in CMK, Derys Pragnell, Head of Public Health at Milton Keynes Council said attitudes towards mental health at work were changing and employers should have a mental health at work plan in place and be equipped to spot the signs of mental ill-health.  Some at the event said they already had wellbeing policies and ‘wellbeing champions’ in place.

Later Delphi Ellis of MIND-BLMK Services said that for too long admitting mental ill-health had been seen as a weakness and organisations should now create a space for mental health to be openly discussed in the workplace.

  • The MK BLP Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace guide is available as a pdf to download here and as a print version through MK Business Leaders. 
