MK Business Leaders is going places in 2017

Date: 22 Feb 2017

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The historic MK Business Leaders and British Business Group Dubai link is already opening doors to increased trade between Milton Keynes and the UAE – and there are more international deals to come.

At the beginning of 2017, and the culmination of months of negotiation with the leading UK business interest group in the United Arab Emirates, we announced a partnership with BBG that will see reciprocal trade relations between our regions and nations. We were delighted to receive the encouragement of the International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox and our MP Iain Stewart. Inward investment and developing business opportunities will be encouraged and businesses from MK and the SEMLEP area will be supported in establishing commercial footholds in Dubai and the Northern Emirates, generating trade and creating wealth and employment.

As I said in January, with the BBG’s support the potential opportunities are fantastic as we move into a post-Brexit landscape. And things have moved fast following the official launch luncheon in Milton Keynes attended by BBG Chairman David Burns and their UK representative Mark Baker, as well as a party of diplomats from the UAE Embassy whose attendance demonstrated their support for the initiative.

At that event we heard about local companies which have already begun making connections in the UAE and we are now identifying other suitable businesses wanting to be involved. I can only reiterate that the opportunities presented by the link are open to ALL businesses in MK and the SEMLEP area and I urge all our members to spread the word among their colleagues and contacts. Going forward we hope to announce soon a dedicated portal on the Business Leaders’ website, directing businesses to information about out how they can get on board. There are plans for B2B events here and reciprocal visits and business missions to and from Dubai and the UAE.

And there’s more. I can now announce that even as we launched the relationship with BBG, interest in Milton Keynes from other nations and regions around the world has been generated with discussions taking place with representatives from China, who we hope to receive in April.

This is all very encouraging and fits perfectly with Business Leaders’ objective of promoting the Milton Keynes business community at every level. I thank members for their support and encouragement towards what will be significant developments for MK Business Leaders and our city in its 50th year.

Philip Smith
